Campus Chat is a student magazine that was started by MSM KERALA, in 2013. The magazine's goal is to guide students, especially campus students, on the right and moral path from the perspective of Islam. The magazine has been a source of inspiration and guidance for many students over the years.
Recently, Campus Chat has undergone a transformation, moving from a print edition to a webzine. This shift to a web-based format has allowed the magazine to reach a wider audience and provide students with an easily accessible source of information and inspiration.
As a webzine, Campus Chat covers a wide range of topics, including Islamic teachings, current events, lifestyle and health. The magazine features articles, interviews, and stories written by students and professionals alike, providing a diverse and engaging perspective on various issues.
Campus Chat has become a vital resource for students looking to learn more about Islam and how it can shape their lives in a positive way. With its commitment to providing accurate, insightful, and engaging content, Campus Chat is sure to continue making a difference in the lives of students for years to come.